22 Mar 2015

World Water Day 2015: Creating a sustainable future with water

Since 1993, World Water Day has been celebrated on 22 March every year. It is a day for us to focus on the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. This year's theme is ‘Water and Sustainable Development’.

Water is our world. To create the future we want, it is important that we care about how water plays a part in linking our everyday lives together – in health, nature, urbanisation, industry, energy, food and equality. 

Water and sanitation plays a huge part in shaping the world we live in, impacting us in more ways than we can imagine. At DHI, we work closely with our clients and partners to manage water resources sustainably, improve water infrastructure and ensure sufficient water quality – bringing clean, fresh water closer to you no matter where you may be.

For us, every day is World Water Day – 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

Learn more about what we do through our latest references and solutions.