16 Feb 2015

Our noise expert chairs workshop on dredging-related underwater sound

The workshop, which will be chaired by DHI’s Dr. Frank Thomsen, will translate science into first hand guidance.

The effects of underwater sound are an important environmental issue. As such, the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive addresses noise impacts. Outside Europe, developers and planners also have to consider and manage impacts related to underwater sound with increasing urgency. 

To address these needs, the World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA) published a Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging in June 2013. The technical guidance:
  • sets out a comprehensive risk assessment framework and provides a systematic approach to sound impact studies
  • offers advice on how sound can affect aquatic life and provides detailed compass for underwater sound measurements
  • gives detailed information on sources of sound in relation to dredging and summarises the latest knowledge on the sound effects of dredging
  • presents guidance on how to manage dredging-related sound

Received with high interest among scientists and stakeholders from policy and industry, WODA’s technical guidance also raised a lot of questions and requests for further information and training. As such, WODA will bring the technical guidance to life as part of a workshop chaired by DHI Denmark’s Dr. Frank Thomsen.

Via interactive presentations held by leading international, participants will learn how to assess the effects on marine life of underwater sound from dredging operations. Based on the latest knowledge and experience, participants will have a better understanding of:
  • underwater sound in general and how its impact should be assessed
  • how underwater sound should be measured
  • sound levels of various dredging activities
  • documented impacts of underwater sound from dredging
  • how dredging noise impacts can be managed 

DHI Denmark’s Anders Jensen, Vice-President of WODA and President of the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), will provide opening remarks for the workshop. Other presenters include:
  • Dr. Douglas Clark, HDR Inc., United States
  • René Dekeling, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands
  • Dr. Christ de Jong, TNO, the Netherlands
  • Stephen Robinson, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom

 Dr. Frank Thomsen is a Senior Marine Mammal and Underwater Sound Scientist. He manages a variety of projects dealing with human impacts on the marine environment.