16 Oct 2015

DHI contributes to international report on anti-sedimentation systems for marinas and yacht harbours

DHI experts have contributed to the recent World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) report on ‘Anti-Sedimentation Systems for Marinas and Yacht Harbours’.

The report was published in September 2015 by PIANC Recreational Navigation Commission (RecCom) Working Group 130 in co-operation with the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA).

PIANC is a forum where global water professionals gather to provide expertise and advice on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructures to facilitate the growth of the waterborne transport industry. Its reports are widely recognised internationally and frequently used as guidelines and reference documents within the engineering and scientific community. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Stoschek, DHI-WASY’s Head of Hydrodynamic and Coastal Engineering, was a member of the working group and contributed during the 3 years in preparation of the PIANC report. A substantial review of the draft report was prepared by Hans Jacob Vested, DHI’s Head of Projects, Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Department.

The report describes sedimentation problems often seen in marinas and yacht harbours. Remedial measures such as streamlining of entrance, sand traps, sand by-passing, structural interventions and maintenance dredging are discussed and illustrated with case stories. Many examples are built on DHI’s experience and drawn from Mangor, K. (2004) Shoreline Management Guidelines. Hørsholm: DHI and Mangor, K., Brøker, I., Deigaard, R. and Grunnet, N. (2010) Bypass Harbours at Littoral Transport Coasts. Liverpool: PIANC MMX Congress.

The image below, for example, shows sand accretion on the upstream hindering entrance to the port and causing coastal erosion downstream. DHI has optimised the breakwater layout to a bypass harbour, maximising natural bypass and minimising sedimentation and downstream coastal erosion.

Hornbaek Marina, Denmark. © DHI/Karsten Mangor

‘PIANC working groups are an excellent forum where practitioners, consultants and researchers meet. Discussions between professionals from all over the world lead to new understanding of how to tackle real life challenges and ways to set new and higher standards within our field of expertise’, says Oliver Stoschek.